Labomed     +8801316171200

Labomed BD is dedicated to provide superior Analytical Equipment,  Pharmaceutical Equipment, Scientific equipment, Laboratory equipment, Quality Control Equipment, Quality Assurance Equipment, Measuring and Testing Lab Equipment.

Single Quad LC-MS

The LC-4000-MS mass spectrometry system has been developed to harness the power of a single quadrapole MS with an easy to use HPLC system.

The CMS expression is a high resolution mass spectrometer with wide mass range and a choice of sources including ESI, APCI and ASAP – a direct injection method.

The separation system can be configured for a wide range of applications, including standard HPLC or UHPLC, to take full advantage of the speed and sensitivity of the mass spectrometer.

The LC-4000 Series includes various pump options for solvent delivery with accurate and pulseless flow, with flexible configuration for isocratic or binary and quaternary gradients.

The AS-4150 autosampler has capacity for up to 180 – 2 mL samples and includes full or variable loop injections. The sample pre-load feature eliminates sample loading time between injections for the fastest sample cycle time to get results faster.

Several optional column ovens offer the advantage of temperature control with single column or multi-columns for rapid method development.

The mass spectrometer can be a simple, cost effective CMS expression single quadrapole instrument, or a higher specification tandem MS with either a triple quadrapole (TQ) or time of flight (TOF) with fully integrated control of the LC for a powerful high throughput analytical or preparative system. Multiple source options include ESI and APCI.

IRT-7000 Linear Array Microscope

Ex-demonstration IRT-7000 FTIR fast Linear Array Imaging Microscope and a FT/IR-6300 spectrometer, with both 16 element linear array and single point MCT detectors. A x16 cassegrain and germanium ATR are also included.

The FT/IR-6300 spectrometer includes a TGS detector and several beam splitters and a NIR option, and a single reflection diamond ATR. 

The system includes the latest Spectra Manager™ software with imaging analysis and KnowItAll® Informatics.


HPLC Systems

HPLC System 2

This ex-demo HPLC has a quaternary gradient pump with a built-in degasser. It includes an autosampler holding 120 samples and a 4-channel UV detector.

ChromNAV software control is included offering a user-friendly, simple to use interface with the option to ad CFR if needed.

PU-2089S | AS-2059 | MD-2018

Air Sterilizer

Air purifiers are devices that are used for removing contaminating particles from air, making the air cleaner to breathe.

Electrolyte Analyzer

Electrolyte Analyzer are designed to meet the needs of small to medium-size laboratories. It improves lab productivity while delivering sample results economically. It uses current ISE technology to make electrolyte measurements.

Laboratory Horizontal Autoclave

We offer a variety of horizontal laboratory autoclaves for general purpose sterilization applications. Customers to choose from the range depending upon their application, volume and budgetary requirements. Features are designed specifically for lab based sterilizations used in research laboratories, pharmaceuticals, microbiology labs, food and chemical industries. High performance, reliable results and a longer life makes it an ideal choice.

Analytical Balance

Analytical Balances are designed to meet the specific weighing requirement in the laboratory working environment. Performance, durability, robust, easy-to-use, precise results, efficient handling, space saving makes analytical balance an ideal choice.

Class I Biosafety Cabinet

Biolab Biological Safety Cabinet Class I series has an energy efficient design with low noise operation and corrosion free construction. Negative pressure ventilated cabinet operated with an open front and provides personnel protection. Air exiting the chamber is HEPA filtered to assure removal of contaminants.

Laboratory High Speed Centrifuge

Engineered to maximize productivity and reliably deliver a wide range of high speed separations. Stainless steel interiors, integrated refrigeration system and advanced temperature controls make it flexible for your evolving applications. Safety features and low noise operation make it an ideal partner for your day to day separations.

Climatic Chamber

Our chambers provide excellent temperature and lighting control for regulated growth of plants and other products. Its responsive humidification sensor and energy efficient design make it a preferred choice for a wide range of applications.

Air Cooled Chiller

Air cooled chiller absorb heat from process water, and the heat is then transferred to the air around the chiller unit. Air cooled chiller require less maintenance.